School Innovation & Improvement Plan

Outcome goals for this academic school year

Complete ESSER School Funding Plan

School Innovation and Improvement Plan At-a-Glance

  • 2024-2025
  • Deer Park Elementary School
  • Region 5
  • Bob D'Amato, Principal




  • By June 2025, all students will either pass the SOL or make a year's worth of growth as measured by the i-ready basal assessments, or Lexia, K-2 VALLS.
  • By June 2025, students with disabilities will increase their SOL pass rate by at least 5%.


  • Increase teacher content knowledge of evidence-based literacy instruction aligned with science-based reading research to improve implementation of new core curriculum.

  • Leverage use of daily, explicit language comprehension lessons from the new core curriculum for building knowledge and vocabulary.

  • Use embedded formative assessments in the new core curriculum to guide tier 1 and tier 2 instructional decisions.

Elementary School Math


  •  By June 2025, all students will either pass the SOL or make a year's worth of growth as measured by the SOL, i-ready, AVMR/grade level assessments and/or EMAS. 

  • By June 2025, our SOL/VAAP pass rate for students receiving special education services will increase by at least 5%.


  •  Increase teachers' content knowledge and implementation of the 2023 FCPS mathematics program of studies.

  • Increase teacher's implementation strategies related to Shift 8: from looking for correct answers towards revealing student thinking.

  • Increase teacher implementation of explicit instruction and other components of effective mathematics intervention.




  • By June 2025, students will show an increase in the area of emotional regulation skills as measured by the SEL screener by at least 10%.

  • By June 2025, students will show a decrease in incidents of minor physical altercations by at least 10% as noted in our behavior referral data.


  • School staff will communicate with families to recognize and celebrate student success in academics, behavior, attendance, or other areas.

  • MTSS Schoolwide and Site Intervention teams analyze behavior/wellness data bi-monthly to evaluate implementation of Tier 1 SEL/wellness initiatives and identify students in need of Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions.

  • Identified time in the master schedule is used to implement required SEL practices with fidelity to improve student perceptions of belonging and SEL skills. (MM & CC- ES or RAM- MS/HS, 3 Signature Practices- All).