Positive Behavior Supports
Deer Park uses a blend of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and Responsive Classroom practices. Students and staff follow a guided set of Behavior Expectations that focus around Respectful, Responsible, and Safe behaviors. These expectations can be found in Bucky’s Behavior Expectation Matrix, which gives ideas for these expectations in a variety of school locations. Students can earn Bucky’s Bucks for demonstrating Respectful, Responsible, and Safe behaviors. Any staff member can give a student, a group of students, or a whole class Bucky’s Bucks. Classrooms collect bucks weekly and earn celebrations as a whole class throughout the year.

Zones of Regulation
The Zones of Regulation “develops awareness of feelings, energy and alertness levels while exploring a variety of tools and strategies for regulation, prosocial skills, self-care, and overall wellness.” All classrooms will learn vocabulary that coincides with The Zones of Regulation framework through monthly lessons from our Behavior Resource Teacher, Ms. Jeter. Students will learn a variety of strategies and techniques throughout the year while being given opportunities to use them throughout the building.

Bucky's Rest Stop
Bucky’s Rest Stop is a proactive intervention that will help students work on their self - regulation while learning different strategies to assist in their social & emotional health in a structured setting. Bucky’s Rest Stop will also be paired with a strategic focus on The Zones of Regulation through a check - in and check - out system.

Students are recommended for Bucky’s Rest Stop by using a variety of data points that can include attendance, behavior reports, and teacher notes. Bucky’s Rest Stop will also be available for classroom visits periodically throughout the school year for all classrooms.